The Dometic Dust Reduction system for caravans or campers is designed to dramatically reduce the quantity of dust entering the internal cabinwhen travelling on dry, dusty terrain. The unit is simply fitted to the roof of the van or camper within the existing air vent and begins working automatically when the van is in motion.
It works by filtering dust particles out of incoming air and pushing the airborne dust out. There is no need for power as there is no motor or electrical parts. The design has a low roof profile and is lightweight. The unit can be installed in a range of rooftop openings from 285 x 285 mm to 400x400 mm.
Dometic has put the DRS under extreme, rigorous testing in some of Australia’s dustiest regions, deliveringimpressive results.
The DRS is ideal for keeping the interior of your caravan clean, particularlywhen travelling off-road. Arrive at your destination with a clean van!
A great way to expand your hiring audience and enable acceptance of thoseoff-road bookings.
Additional, replaceable DRS Air filters can be purchased separately.